The BORING way to FIRE!
Warning – this is not a popular choice! We see people ask on FIRE groups and have friends and collegues ask about how to get ahead financially? We sometimes explain in high level terms how we reached FI. This is often returned with incredulous looks and we are often told, “Things were different back then”. We were told that too when we first started. We hit FI on pretty much a single income which has never been in the top tax bracket, so it is possible.
So, how did we do it? We mapped out our 2 buckets of investments required – Before and after 60 (Super access age), then took the following steps:
1. Smash that mortgage
Pay off your PPOR (home) ASAP. However make sure you enjoy your journey along the way – we did lots of caravaning and had some of the best trips ever! It doesn’t have to be expensive. We only did minimal lifestyle PPOR improvements such as DIY painting, minor changes, gardening, etc. until we smashed out our mortgage – crazy talk! We were 32yo and mortgage free – it took 7 years. After that we had a lot more cash flow to fully renovate our home with saved cash, while maxing out our Super. We used excess cash flow to borrow for more investments and added cash to a growing equity portfolio.
2. Add to Super
3. Use equity to invest
Even before we paid off the PPOR we used equity in the house to buy investments in a family trust (we split on PPOR loan to obtain IPs and equities (LICs/ETFs). We got the same interest rate with equities as with IPs and both debts are tax deductible. Our LVR (loan value ratio) was never too high, but as equity in our IPs grew we borrowed more.
I love your approach, paying of the mortgage means reducing the overall total FI number (that’s one expense less which is is usually the biggest for most of us). I like that you include super to me it’s a no brainer effectively it can compound on it’s own to a massive snowball. Have not tried using equity or debt recycling – have considered it but wanted more freedom one third is very sensible can sleep well with that.
Thanks for your response! We found using equity in our house/IPs to invest didn’t affect our cashflow / freedom with the right investment choices. We had our LVRs on the safe side (max 70% but reduced over time below 50% now). Most of the investment returns were higher than the interest rates and as they did their double every 7-10 years – it is sort of was like ‘free’ money. We didn’t put any ‘cash down’ (we did need to put down the title of the properties) and the investment returns paid more than the interest which was also tax deductible. Yeah I like the 1/3 as it gives options. Cheers Cam
I had 1/3 rule going but have just changed to 1/2. My investment property was costing me money as a negative gearing set up and after having it for ten years it needed maintenance (from new I purchased it). I’ve decided that it would probably only get worse as time goes on, I made a small profit of $120k but have to give some of this to the ato! Now just 3 etf’s and super with cash in the bank for 3 years living cost in case the share market is in a correction.
Hey Chief, Nice little profit – congrats! We look forward to simplifying our property portfolio too (one is pending sale this year and more to come). I’ve got pretty good with maintenance after lots of practice – haha!